I spent all day long in Lima to buy furniture for our blood bank and ophthalmology suite.
In the evening, I returned to the guest house on Avenida La Paz in Miraflores.
From the other side of the street, in the Convention Center, I could hear music, which made me want to go there. The guards in the door let me pass. I am in the hall, which I only knew from the outside, for the first time.
Hundreds of people were enjoying the concert which is about Christ. Many of them join the band in singing with raised arms.
“I’m sad that my wife can’t be here too”, is what I thought while taking pictures.
A lot of Peruvians are poor and can’t afford a car or a holiday trip. But they are not less happy than we are. Quite the contrary, the Peruvian society is warmer than in Germany.
Is it perhaps because of their faith? According to surveys, 97 % of Peruvians are convinced of God’s existence.
There will come the day when we will have concerts like this one in our Amphitheater next to the hospital. We could accommodate 5000 people!
The focus of the music would be a person who entered the world stage 2000 years ago. Since that event there is a “before” and “after” Christ; “pro” and “contra” Chris;. a life “with” and “without” Christ.
“I am the way, the truth and the life!”
What do you think about this statement?