12 Australians spent a couple of hours at Diospi Suyana
It was a long journey for Dr Ted Boyce and Mr Stephen Trew. The two Australians visited the Welch Family – who now live in Curahuasi – and used the opportunity to speak to members of staff working for Diospi Suyana’s Hospital and Colegio. Dr Boyce is head of school of a large school in Sydney; a couple of the Welch’s children attended his school and Dr John held a talk there about Diospi Suyana in November 2015.
Shortly after their flying visit brainstorming is well under way: there are even considerations pertaining to an exchange programme between Sydney and Curahuasi. We pray for travelling mercies as our Australian visitors head home. The flight from Santiago to Sydney is 14 hours. There are no direct flights from Lima.