The pictures’ messages are applicable to all generations
The North-German Bruno Spießwinkel is a very special man. Despite his age – he is over 90 years old – he visited the Hospital Diospi Suyana three years ago. He is a passionate vicar and artist. His energy levels are that of a young adult. This can be explained mainly through his deep faith in God.

His two paintings for the Colegio Diospi Suyana contain a special message. A little lamb has lost its way and cannot free itself out of its desperate situation. The shepherd has left the 99 sheep behind to seek the lost lamb. He finds and saves it. In his parable Jesus Christ states that every human being is like that lost sheep. The love of God is the only way to get out of our forsakenness.
His two paintings for the Colegio Diospi Suyana contain a special message. A little lamb has lost its way and cannot free itself out of its desperate situation. The shepherd has left the 99 sheep behind to seek the lost lamb. He finds and saves it. In his parable Jesus Christ states that every human being is like that lost sheep. The love of God is the only way to get out of our forsakenness.
10 women are waiting for the arrival of the bridal couple. It is late and darkness covers the land. 5 women have brought enough oil for their lamps; the other 5 have not taken a possible delay into account. As they have run out of oil, they have to go into town to buy further supplies. Just after they have left, the bridal couple arrives and the party starts. Through this parable Jesus wants to emphasise that we need to be prepared for his return. Even if the years turn into decades and we no longer expect him to return, he will return some day. But on the day of his return will we be leading a life trusting in him?
Without exception the stories of Jesus Christ are part of world literature. Small children and grown-ups, highly intelligent and simple people can understand their meaning. It is well worth telling them a myriad of times. For this reason the pictures’ position in the Colegio’s entrance hall is perfect.