250 colleagues and missionaries celebrate the first decade
It goes without saying that a tenth anniversary has to be celebrated in style by all members of staff. In the opening speech Dr Martina John thanked the colleagues of the many departments. It is your passionate dedication that makes Diospi Suyana what it is. The hospital’s walls are not the deciding factor, but the people who share God’s love within these walls that make all the difference. In her prayer she thanked God for everything we have experienced in the last ten years and asked for his blessing in the future.
Assisted by several helpers she had prepared a five course dinner. Tender background music and festive lighting gave the event a dignified framework.
In his address Dr Klaus John led his audience through the highs and lows of the first ten years. He compared the inauguration in 2007 to the anniversary celebration in 2017. Diospi Suyana has experienced unprecedented growth. Nevertheless, life does not consist only of positives. Diospi Suyana has also had its fair share of setbacks. Especially in the “dark valleys” it is crucial to cling to the cross of Christ. The story of Diospi Suyana is a hymn of praise to God, which 100 million people across the world have heard of through mass media.
Dr David and Dr Doro Brady led everyone present in a polonaise. After one lap through the Hospital the long formation headed outside for a breath of fresh air.
In his address the outgoing Head of Administration Stefan Seiler emphasised the power of prayer. Especially in the last few weeks which had enough insecurities for everyone, one could personally experience God’s protecting hand. In a personal touch, he said that leaving Diospi Suyana is not easy for his wife Tabea or for himself. He asked for maximum support for his successor Matthias Besold.
Even the most amazing party has to conclude at some point. After 3.5 hours the rooms were cleared and cleaned – work starts again Monday morning.
One can see that the inner fire is still burning in Diospi Suyana. We hope that Hospital, Colegio and media centre will never freeze and become cold institutions. /KDJ