A new eye-catcher in beautiful countryside: our aerial tower

7 Direkt neben unserer Baustelle wird wie zu Urgroßvaters Zeiten gepfluegt

With fields and farm horses as its neighbours

Dear Friends, the two halves of our teams continue their work on our two building sites. Here the respective updates:

The Hospital’s New Storey: in the whole of the first stage of construction the screed is in place.  Tiling is being done in the bathrooms of the twin-bed-rooms.  The company Oxitec, based in Lima, extended their Christmas holiday by one week; hence the interior technical work has made no progress, which does not really affect us.

We have started making and erecting the staircase railing in the stairwell.  In the second stage of construction the remaining installation walls are being plastered.

The Aerial Tower Site: the ring foundation for the 3-metre high enclosing wall has been completely poured into place and we started building the wall today.  The unimog could shift all the rubble we came across in the four 2.5-metre-deep building pits; in each one we will lay the individual foundations.

One piece of rubble weighed about 1.5t. In the meantime we have been able to concrete two of the foundations and start encasing the foundation columns.  In each one 5 – heavy and each one over a metre long – anchor bolts are set in concrete.

The exact positioning and fixing of the total 20 anchor bolts is done using a template made out of angle steel.  If the company making the tower keeps its promise, the material should arrive next week in order for the building works proper to begin.

With best regards from Curahuasi, Udo

1 Beginn der Treppengelaendermontage
The first part of the staircase railing is in place.
2 Die ersten Steine fuer die Umfassungsmauer werden gesetzt
The first stones of the enclosing wall.
3 Ein Brocken von ca. 1.5 to Gewicht
It only weighed 1.5t!
4 Das erste Einzelfundament ist betoniert
The first individual foundation is set in concrete.
5 Schalung fuer die Fundamentsaeule
Encasing the foundation column.
6 Die Schablone fuer die Ankerbolzen wird zusammengeschraubt
The template made out of angle steel is being screwed together.
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