Last November we had urgent need of an anesthesiologist and help came from Boston. Professor Bert Drop, a retired Harvard lecturer flew down to South America for 4 months to offer his expertise in the field. Bert is fluent in the German langauge, as well as Dutch, English and French. Unfortunately his spanish was limited to just a few words and therefore he quickly became known for his sign langauge – namely touching his forefinger to his thumb in the universally sign for “all is well”. In this way he could let his patients know that they were going to be fine and not to worry.
In a couple of days Bert will return home and we will greatly miss him. He has earned our deepest respect for another reason too. Shortly before leaving the USA Bert´s wife passed away after her long battle with cancer. Despite this heavy blow, Bert did not wallow in his grief, instead showing an exemplary love toward each of his patient.
Bert, may God go with you!