A constant stream of visitors
Monday morning: at 3 a.m. this morning Dr Roger Albornoz boarded a plane in Lima. The dean of the medical faculty of the University Peruana Unión, accompanied by one of his colleagues, wants to see the Hospital Diospi Suyana for himself. Their guided tour starts before the morning service. As all the seats downstairs are full I suggest going up onto the balcony. But standing room only awaits us there! Later that morning I tell my two visitors the story of Diospi Suyana. The University Peruana Unión would like to start cooperation. The exact details are still being discussed.
Tuesday: at lunchtime three pupils of the boys’ school Ocampo arrive, accompanied by their teacher. Their mission: to find a sponsor for a function at their school. Showing the boys many photos in an album, I explain to them that Diospi Suyana is financed solely through donations. I then give them a personal guided tour through the hospital and the media centre. Their comments have a common theme: “We had no idea about Diospi Suyana!”
Two hours later representatives from the town hall are waiting outside my office wanting to discuss a difficult topic. Not without reason I ask them: “What do you know about the work Diospi Suyana actually does?” Their answers show me that the Peruvians believe that a large organisation simply fills our bank accounts as and when necessary. Five minutes later I start a private presentation -intended as an eye-opener – after which I show the delegation the premises. The first question they then ask is: “How can we get a doctor’s appointment? Must we also queue outside?”
As long as Diospi Suyana exists we will have to explain “our story” daily, be it in Peru or in other countries. Everyone should be aware of the fact that there is no company regularly sending blank cheques so we can cover our running costs. Instead, we live by faith without relying on human security, depending 100% on a power that no one can see: the Almighty God.