The captain stands on the bridge


His crew have done a great job

Dear Diospi Suyana friends, the 8th December is a national bank holiday in Peru (Inmaculada Concepción = Immaculate Conception).  But as in Peru one moves the bank holidays as one sees fit, we work today and our day off is moved to upcoming Friday to give all of us a long weekend.

For a good week now we have enjoyed traditional rainy season weather: during the day warm and humid, during the night rain and storm.  On the building site the rain can no longer stop us and we can continue the completion of the interior unrestricted.  Unfortunately the challenge to show you interesting pictures grows week by week.

In the first stage of construction the oxygen and suction pipes are in place.  The 24 hour pressure test was successfully completed.  Now the pipes that run in the wall slits need to be grouted and the walls need to be plastered, then we will start with the screed work.

We are nearing the end of the plastering work of the second and third stages of construction, which gives us the chance to invest spare capacity in the outstanding installation of the fire safety boards in the consulta externa area.  The preparatory works have begun.

The emergency bridge is finished and we can use it to transport the screed in a wheelbarrow.  This is why the final timber planking will only be put in place later on.  The subcontractor has now started with the continuous production of metal door cases.

Wishing you a reflective third of Advent weekend, Udo

The installation wall has been plastered.
The metal profiles are being welded together in order to install the fire safety boards.
Most of the copper piping in the second stage of construction is in place.
Working on the oxygen pipes.
The bridge without flooring.
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