“Back then you said…!”
The last course of our meal finished hours ago and the early hours are at hand, but we still have too much to talk about. The orthopaedist Dr Günther Pföhler (left) remembers a conversation we had in Boston in 1987: “While we were students at Harvard you said that one day you would like to found a hospital for the poor!” “Correct,” I answer and continue in the same breath, “The hospital would never have become a reality, if God had not blessed it!” The Catholic Christian nods in assent: “That is crystal clear!”
30 years of highs and lows, during which we lost many friends and relatives and which were full of victories and failures. One half of one’s life has faded and become a saga.
We have definitely gained life experience, but we still have more questions than answers. At the end only our trust in God remains. One day he will explain everything to us. /KDJ