The hospital Diospi Suyana is like a business


Never omit the company outing

Have you heard of the following formula: work hard + play hard = a well-bonded team!?  There were over 185 people at the 9th birthday party of the hospital Diospi Suyana, which was held on the sports field and the playground of the Diospi-Suyana-School for the first time.  To describe the atmosphere as “fantastic” would definitely fall in the category of an English Understatement!  High quality sporting events were paired with excellent food and the obligatory medal-presentation ceremony.  The honouring of the best employees from each department of the hospital with a certificate marked the highlight of a wonderful day. (Fotos: M. John)

David (a teacher) and his wife, Ari, (a doctor) bring the Olympic Fire.
Colleagues from the media team present their manifesto: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!”
Flor (she works in the patients’ ward) has the referees whistle in her mouth – she has the final word on the volleyball court.
Happy 9th Birthday Diospi Suyana – the party is in full swing!
The sensational volleyball competition was won by the mixed surgery team.
Canada (represented by the material-management-team) with Peter Schütze playing on the right wing fought nobly against Columbia (comprising doctors from the clinic).
The games were doping-free, but not taping-free! Final taping of a competitor, to ensure he can give everything. Arne watches Emily taping top-athlete Carl – all three of them are “IJFDs” (Internationalen Jugendfreiwilligendienst: a German state organisation which coordinates international community service for young adults).
The obligatory birthday cake. Did I hear someone say it contained only 40,000 calories!?
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