Putting her finger exactly on Curahuasi, Peru
No family member can complain that Stefanie Heese is moving to Peru in January 2017. Six years ago her uncle Reini Wirths invited a certain Dr. John to give a talk in Gummersbach. After the presentation a certain 16-year old girl approached the speaker and said: “I would like to go to Diospi Suyana!” “You’re too young!” was the answer of the missionary doctor. But the dream lived on and yearned to be lived. Waltraud (Stefanie’s granny) encouraged her granddaughter: “It will work out, just keep hold of your plan.” Her parents, Christian and Maike saw the dream coming nearer and nearer from the horizon and did not hinder their daughter’s dream becoming reality.
Last Saturday Dr. John spoke to over 200 guests in the auditorium of the Freien Christlichen Bekenntnisschule zu Gummersbach (Stefanie’s church). Nurse Stefanie Heese sat with her relatives in the first row. Beforehand in her interview to the newspaper Kölnische Rundschau she, now 22 years old, openly stated that she was a born-again Christian.
At the end of his talk, the speaker asked who was going to visit Stefanie in Peru: five hands shot up the next second. Her parents and siblings seemed to have bought their tickets on “Airline direct” already. It appears that this family’s enthusiasm for Diospi Suyana cannot be contained. Who knows, perhaps Stefanie’s siblings will follow in their sister’s footsteps: one for 3, the second for 5 and the third for 10 years. We are sure the whole family would be delighted! (Picture in the Kölnische Rundschau)