The small township of Creussen in Bayreuth, Germany has a population of about 50. It is the place that our missionaries, Stefan and Petra Hoefer, call home. However, in this case size doesn’t matter because it is obvious that the town has many creative minds.
Mayor, Herbert, clearly showed he was on board with Diospi Suyana by assigning the 12th and 13th of July for the medieval market – coinciding with the town’s 650 year anniversary. It was all quite an achievement despite the rainy weather.
A small bridge was used to charge a crossing toll. The North Bavarian Courier reported on the event and writer, Mr Vogel wrote “It was amazing and clearly a God-experience. Everyone participated in the event regardless of whom they were and all contributed something from a few pennies to cash dollars. By the end of the first day the activity had brought in 800 Euros from the bridge toll alone. Then Esther Huebner from the neighbouring village arrived and kicked off the flea market.”
She went on to thank everyone present for their support and expressed her joy over the readiness with which people donated their money.
They estimate having raised about 3000 Euro in total over the 2 days. What a great God we serve!
Still not finished with their efforts, the organisers plan to hold another flea market in the market square of Bayreuth in the fall. They will invite everybody to Dr John’s planned visit on the 28th of October.
We here are Diospi Suyana can only sit back and be amazed. And also to say “Thank you very much!”