Concrete again at last
Dear Diospi Suyana friends and readers of the construction report,
On April 29, 2016, I wrote my last construction report. Now we know that it wasn’t the last one after all, because since Monday they’ve been busy building on the festival grounds again and I have the honor of coordinating the construction.
In the last weeks we have planned a lot, ordered material and hired people. Thank God we were able to win back many former employees. Udo Klemenz also helps me with advice and assistance with the reinforcement plans.
On Monday it started. Then Tuesday and Wednesday came heavy equipment for the excavation of the underground cistern.
Tonight there was a heavy storm and so we lost half a day to clean the excavation pit from material and water that had slid down. In the afternoon, we were finally able to mix concrete again and produce the first part of the clean layer.
I would appreciate any prayers for the Youth Festival in general and for the building in particular. Especially for:
– Preservation during all work
– A construction progress without major disruptions
– A carpenter
Have a nice week, Johannes Bahr