In keeping with the on-going progress, there is action happening in 3 continents.
Peru : On Tuesday the national electric company “Electro Sur” will make the permanent connection of the hospital to the local network. Also during the day we expect a visit from a delegation of health authorities. They hold in their hands the power to grant the operating license for the hospital. Then on Wednesday Dr John has a scheduled appointment with the Peruvian Health Minister in Lima.
Germany : Currently the Diospi Suyana film is being burned to disk so that it can be sent out with the next newsletter. Meanwhile the 15th shipping container is making its way to Peru. A bunch of important documents are still needed in order to ensure the release of the container from the Peruvian Customs authorities.
USA : In Colorado engineer, Paul Feltz is diligently searching for an adequate emergency generator for Hospital Diospi Suyana. A potential of 250 kVa is needed.
As usual, a lot is at stake. Martin Luther once said “We must pray as if all our work is in vain and work as if ours prayers are in vain!”. Here at Diospi Suyana we do both.