Last week, our two Chinese anestesiologists Dr. Ting Ting Oh and Dr. Phoo Wai Heng said good-bye. After a two-month stay, they returned to Singapore. German surgeon Dr. Josef Thalhammer also said his good-byes.
The Greek pediatrician Dr. Evangelia Hammacher, on the other hand, just joined our team, as did the German anestesiologist Dr. Ulrich Gruber and his German colleague Dr. Sabine Remppis.
The two German internists Uta and Matthias Dürr have been in Curahuasi for a while now. The two plus Dr. Dagmar Düsterhöft make up our short-term internal medicine team. Diospi Suyana veteran Matthias Stephani will join the surgeons.
We are thankfull to all these team members for the time and money they have invested to be able to volunteer at the Diospi Suyana hospital.